Fruit Texture Analyzer

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<B>Windows Software</B>:
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<B>Suggested Fruit Firmness Levels</B>:
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Make sure that you're harvesting and shipping at the right time by getting accurate firmness measurements . . . every time!

The Fruit Texture Analyzer (FTA) measures fruit firmness at the push of a button and stores the results on your PC. Test apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, kiwis, avocados and more with quick, easy and reliable results.

Texture Analyzer Features:

Here are a few features of the Fruit Texture Analyzer that make it a valuable addition to food testing operations:

  • Tests are conducted at standard depths and speeds, ensuring accurate and repeatable results
  • Ranks first in a Washington State comparison of firmness testing equipment (click “Downloads” tab to view the report)
  • Connects to a standard PC via USB or Serial ports and runs on Windows XP and newer
  • Results can be saved in an ASCII format or directly accessed from Excel, Word or Access
  • Software installation takes just a few minutes
  • Requires minimal maintenance, just periodic cleaning to remove fruit juices
  • Specialized load cell ensures accurate, reliable firmness readings
  • All operating parameters can be controlled through the FTA Windows software (probe speed, calibration, threshold load, depth)
  • Windows software is included (file available for download under “Downloads” tab)

Device Specifications: 

  • Capacity:
    • GS-15 device: 33 lbs
    • GS-25 device: 55 lbs
  • Operating Range:
    • GS-15: 50 g to 15,000 g
    • GS-25: 50 g to 25,000 g
  • Measuring units: kg, lbs, newton
  • Maximum fruit size: 120 mm
  • Weight: 9 kg (approximately)
  • Power: 100-240 VAC Adapter (included)
  • Power consumption: 30 watts (30 Volts DC, 1 Amp)

 How to Use the Food Texture Analyzer

With the FTA device, quality control and quality assurance managers can monitor food quality using a few simple steps:

  • Connect the device to a PC or FTA / LCD Keypad to collect data and review results.
  • Place fruit on the device.
  • Push the center button to measure firmness.
  • Store results directly on a PC.
  • Analyze data to monitor firmness distribution in produce. (See "Downloads" tab for a chart of suggested fruit firmness levels.)

Food Texture Analyzer Applications

Using a food texture analyzer, those involved in quality control for fruits and vegetables can test these foods. Tests determine immaturity or over maturity and help decide the optimal times to harvest, transport and sell fruit. Using this testing device, quality control personnel can adapt practices to provide the best experience for customers who buy food products. Collected data might change:

  • When fruits or vegetables are harvested.
  • How quickly produce enters storage.
  • What temperature to use when storing goods.

When experts have accurate data from a food texture analyzer, customers can buy products in stores that are soft enough to be palatable but hard enough to survive transportation and packaging processes.

Collect Additional Data

Quality control experts may desire additional equipment to collect data and inform product decisions. Incorporate the FTA with these devices for additional produce information:

With these additional tools, experts can use multiple data points to inform product decisions. Researchers can also determine when to harvest fruit based on weight and diameter rather than relying on texture alone.

Windows Software:
Comparison Study:
Data Sheet :
Suggested Fruit Firmness Levels:
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