New Felix Avocado Meter Available For Pre-Order

Nov 9th 2018

QA Supplies is eager to announce the availability of Felix Instruments’ new Avocado Quality Meter, the F-751 which is now available for pre-order with an expected release date of December 5, 2018.

Based on the original F-750 Produce Quality Meter, the F-751 is strictly for avocados and utilizes dry-matter readings to gauge the fruit’s maturity. With the push of a button, this instrument can accurately predict dry-matter straight out of the box. Data is then transferred seamlessly to a PC via Wifi for easy analysis and sharing.

The Avocado Quality Meter also comes with the ability to use Fruit Maps, a free interactive harvest map application co-created by Felix Instruments and Central Queensland University. This feature makes it possible to monitor your orchards in real time from anywhere in the world.

With a simple, durable, and easy-to-use design, this field-worthy instrument offers growers fast and accurate results concerning the ripeness of their avocados. The more you use your meter, the more accurate your harvest info will be, as well.

To pre-order the Avocado Quality Meter or get more information, contact us at or click here

The Avocado Quality Meter will be on display QA Supplies’ Booth 539 at the New York Produce Show, December 10-13th.