
QA Supplies offers fast and convenient instrument calibration, testing and certification services for our probe and infrared2001016-irc-low-res-png-1000p-x-1000p.png thermometers, refractometers and handheld fruit firmness testers.

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We have always strived to offer our customers the best products possible and a large part of that goal is the ability to ensure that those products are both highly accurate and extremely dependable. Our instrument calibration and testing services allow us to validate each instrument for this type of reliability.

With our onsite calibration laboratory we are able to check an instrument at several different points using reference standards that are each independently certified and NIST traceable. We offer low-cost, single and multiple point checks at predetermined levels and we can fully customize the calibration service to each customer’s specific needs.

We test each device to the manufacturers’ accuracy specifications and tag them with the calibration standards and instrument details. These tags, attached to every instrument and its matching certificate, also show the service dates and when the equipment needs to be recertified.

Our highly trained and knowledgeable calibration technicians take the utmost care in testing each instrument. We expect them to deliver high quality and fast calibration services. They maintain an average turnaround of 2-3 days, with many calibrations shipping the next day!

Listed below is a summary of the features and the calibration services we offer for each product type. If you don’t see what you are looking for, let us know and we will be happy to create a plan that fits your needs.


  • Certified calibration certificate for each instrument that is traceable to NIST standards
  • Instrument and certificate are tagged with the service details and dates for quick reference
  • Certificates reference a unique serial number for each instrument
  • Data shown for each test point, along with the instrument's specifications, any measurement deviation and the reference standards used
  • Testing environment that is monitored and regulated for consistent temperature and humidity levels
  • Calibration available on both new and previously purchased units, as well as most makes and models
  • Email notifications sent when equipment is close to the re-certification date
  • Provides the necessary documentation to help meet USDA, FDA or HAACP regulations
  • Test points are customizable to fit any special requirements
  • Fast turnaround on most orders (2-3 days on average)


Thermometer Calibration

  • Single-Point thermometer calibration check
    • Normally performed at 0°C (32°F)
    • 1-2 day lead time
  • Three-Point thermometer calibration check
    • Normally performed at 0°C, 50°C, 100°C (32°F, 122°F, 212°F)
    • 3-5 day lead time
  • Check Here for current pricing or to place an order


Infrared Thermometer Calibration

  • Single-Point infrared calibration check
    • Normally performed at 20°C (68°F)
    • 1-2 day lead time
  • Three-Point infrared calibration check
    • Normally performed at 0°C, 50°C, 100°C (32°F, 122°F, 212°F)
    • 3-5 day lead time
  • Check Here for current pricing or to place an order


Penetrometer (Fruit Firmness Testers) Calibration

  • Multiple-Point penetrometer calibration check
    • Normally performed at 10%, 20%, 50%, 75%, 100% of scale
    • 3-5 day lead time
  • Check Here for current pricing or to place an order


Refractometer Calibration

  • Multi-Point refractometer calibration check
    • Normally performed at 0% and 50% 
    • 2-3 day lead time
  • Check Here for current pricing or to place an order


Please Contact Us with any questions or fill out the form below if you would like a quote on instrument calibration services.